DB Screen Translate

DB Screen Translate is an Android application that utilizes OCR technology to recognize and translate on-screen text. It can be used for game translation, manga translation, learning, and office tasks, providing convenience and efficiency.

By tapping on the floating ball, you can initiate full-screen translation. Long-pressing the floating ball allows you to capture and translate screenshots. Double-tapping on the text input enables you to use the app while chatting with international friends or using other software. Additionally, you can customize the floating ball's functionality. For example, you can switch the tap action to select and recognize text, enabling real-time translation during movie watching. Changing the double-tap action to "Translate Foreign Pointers" allows efficient recognition of English words. Enabling drag-and-drop functionality lets you directly drag the floating ball to translate and access word dictionaries. Furthermore, by setting the target language the same as the recognized language, the app can also be used as an optical character recognition (OCR) software.

Full-screen Translation

Games, webpages, screens, real-time one-click translation

screen capture

Swipe Translation

Swipe the screen to capture the text area, one-click word extraction, one-click translation. You can copy the original text and translation. Chinese-English translation supports voice playback

Screen Translation


Is dragging the floating ball and hovering it over the desired text for translation. This feature supports the translation of both sentences (whole lines) and individual words (English to Chinese)

Classical Chinese translation

Floating window text input

Support automatic recognition, multiple languages, poetry, classical Chinese, mutual translation.

Screen Translation